About Wild Insight
The Venus Underwater Camera
The Divers Camera



What we manufacture now:

.....Currently we manufacture the Venus Underwater Camera. This is a compact digital camera with built-in illumination head, data logger and computer controller.

.....The UTPR (Underwater Timed Picture Recorder) has been designed for marine ecology researchers and allows them to see how an animal interacts with its environment, its prey, its colleagues and other species at depth. Currently the Venus UTPR must be recovered from the animal to retrieve the images and data.

What we are working on now:

Currently we have three in-house projects.

.....The first is an application of the Venus camera technology for use by commercial and leisure divers. This project is supported by UK Government through the SMART scheme and is about to move from feasibility to development.

.....The second is the continuous development of the Venus UTPR, which recently included a sound recording (hydrophone) facility. Currently we are investigating the possibility of using a cooled imaging device to improve sensitivity. This will improve underwater imaging range and increase the depth at which the camera will work without the need for additional illumination.

.....The third project is very new. This is to develop a reliable remote release mechanism and floatation for out Venus UTPR.

What we will work on in the future:

.....We know about using optical systems and instrumentation under the water and we are interested in applying these skills wherever we can.

About Wild Insight
The Venus Underwater Camera
The Divers Camera